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Throughout July, Jennifer Martin will be presenting Full of Loops, an interactive installation which appropriates the aesthetic and functional structure of ‘Old Time’ portrait studios with attention to the inherent problems of such places in which race and gender are usually stereotypes for an experience of fairground fun. As part of this project Jennifer is hosting several events including these reading groups which you can book to attend.


Reading Groups:


Wednesday 19 July, 6.30–8.30pm. Participation in the Photographic Act.

As chair of this reading group, Jennifer Martin will address aspects of participation and agency in the photographic act, discussing a text from Ariella Azoulay’s The Civil Contract of Photography.




Saturday 22 July, 14.00–16.00pm. Temporality & the Anthropocene.

Sasha Litvintseva’s doctoral research (Goldsmiths University) focuses on ‘geological film making’ as a ‘visual strategy for the Anthropocene’. As chair of this reading group, Litvintseva will respond to the Full of Loops installation and thematic Western film genre in relation to her research on the Anthropocene and temporality.
