The Studios provide secure affordable workspace to both established and emerging visual artists who are exhibiting, performing and teaching nationally and internationally. The work of the Studio artists reflects the range of diversity of contemporary art practice and promotes a wider understanding of artistic processes through open sharing events, workshops, studio visits and professional development programmes.  Please have a look at our Education and Artists Development sections for opportunities to engage with our artists and activities throughout the year.

Images by Vanek Photography 2017


The 40 artist studios and public programmes are managed on a day to day basis by the staff of Chisenhale Art Place (CAP).

A committee of 10 artist members is also elected annually, called the Artists Advisory Committee (AAC). The AAC works closely with CAP Staff and Trustees to keep the studios, and their engagement with the public, running smoothly as an artist-established organisation.

You can find out more about the governance of Chisenhale Art Place, including Trustees, here.


All of our policies that govern Chisenhale Art Place and Chisenhale Studios can be found at the bottom of the page here. However, there are two that you may find helpful in terms of your engagement with the Studios:

Safeguarding Policy

Privacy Policy


Chisenhale Studios is a proud member of Chisenhale Art Place and is integral to its foundation.  For Chisenhale Art Place was created by artists seeking to find new secure premises after their eviction in the late 1970’s from Butler’s Wharf by property developers. Their search was concentrated in East London where vast numbers of buildings lay empty, including Chisenhale Works, which was offered for use by Tower Hamlets Council.

To turn it into the building it is today, the founding artists spent two years removing rubbish, installing walls and doors, glazing windows and adding electrics.  They also took an outward looking approach, engaging with East End schools and residents and instilling art into community projects.  As a result, the decision was made to establish themselves as an arts education charity from the very beginning and the Studios continue to operate through the charitable structure of Chisenhale Art Place.