In March, the painter Ed Chell, who tutors on the BA Fine Art at UCA (University of the Creative Arts), Canterbury brought groups of students to visit his studio. They also visited the studios of Sean Dawson, Alicia Paz, Jon George, Di Livey, Amikam Toren and Tim Knowles and spoke to the artists about their work and practice.The students also spent time at The Art of Growing Club, one of the Public Programme projects and discussed the project with the participants. The Public Programme Coordinator spoke to them  about the role  the Public Programme plays in the organisation as a whole.

The painter, Mark Fairnington, who tutors on the MA Fine Art course at Wimbledon Art College also had his students visit him at his studio in March. Over the course of the academic year,  a series of three visits took place; so 45 students in all made the visit.