Emma ran two pilot painting classes at Butley Court, which is sited very close to Chisenhale Art Place (CAP). Emma was assisted by our wonderful intern, Yasmin. Butley Court Senior Citizens Centre is a multi-cultural community centre providing and hosting a range of activities, primarily but not exclusively targeted at over 50’s. It is managed by residents with the support of Old Ford Housing Association.

“Very, very lovely, would like to see it go on. Nice to be able to use my mind- nice to have your own tutors.”  Gladys

“Very good class, makes you get together, good to learn new skills, I didn’t think I could do it.” Rosetta

“Great idea, coming to art group. Hope it continues, it makes a very nice atmosphere.” Stella

This is a Chisenhale Art Place (CAP) outreach project. It was funded jointly by CAP and Old Ford and funding is being sought to run the project for a year. If you’d like to discuss an outreach project with the Public Programme Coordinator, please click here.