Goldsmiths Curating MA Students’ Programme.

In the Education Studio at Chisenhale Studios, 11th – 24th July 2016.

Students from the Curating MFA at Goldsmiths bring their projects to our Education Studio. Following selection by a panel of established curators, three outstanding projects have been chosen to take place in our education room this July.


Between the Nose and the Mouth. Curated by Ashlee Conery.

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11th July 6-9pm. Performance by Leonor Serrano Rivas. Taking place on the canal-side patio.

To amplify and reverberate what is inside out and outward in, Leonor Serrano Rivas draws from the minimal techniques outlined by Vitruvius for amplifying sound through hollow space and azoic materials. Chisenhale Studios opens its doors this July to peal its presence, fixed along a canal thats still surface is perfect for sending messages down the lock and beyond. How to listen to aesthetic codes speak and ornament sing, is the focus of Serrano Rivas’ installation and performance. Voices will move around the building calling over water, metal and brick, to test her sculptural additions as means for amplifying the secrets that lay within. Image: Leonor Serrano Rivas, research material.


12-16 July. Living In Chronic Times – Curated by Samantha Lippett.

‘Living In Chronic Times’ responds to “a contemporary ‘war’ on death”. Through a comprehensive investigation with an interdisciplinary survey of arts and health practitioners, Lippett aims to question the cause and affect of a chronically ‘death anxious’ population. She will highlight the paradoxical relationship between false understandings of mortality as a ‘curable’ human condition, particularly at a time of acute funding cuts to the NHS resulting in longer waiting times, dehumanised ‘care’ and an uncanny ‘acceptance’ of unethical or undignified endings. A multilayered project, ‘Living In Chronic Times’ will investigate such false understandings in relation to the recent phenomena of digital legacy and death services that Lippett suggests manipulate contemporary death anxiety in order to profit from our growing web-based labour before, and after, we die.

Tuesday 12th July. Chronic Time / Ethics of Care: 2pm – Three talks and a curator-led panel discussion. Sarah Lippett, ‘Time, Storytelling, Illness and Death’; Martin O’Brien, ’Performing The Chronic Body’; Lisa Baraitser and Laura Salisbury, ‘Waiting Times: Waiting and Care in the Time of Modernity’. 7pm – Screening of artist Martin O’Brien’s durational performance and Q&A.Living In Chronic Times, Final

Image: Sarah Delat, ‘Birth of Anaesthesia’, video still.

Wednesday 13th July. Digital Ethics:
All day – Exhibition of Sarah Derat’s, ‘Birth Of Anaesthesia’ video Installation, 2012. 7pm – Talk between curator and artist Sarah Derat.

Thursday 14th July. (Anti) Ageing:
11am Reading Group – text: Lynne Segal, ‘Out Of Time : The Pleasures and Perils of Ageing’. 7pm : Friedl Kubelka, ‘Me too, too, me too’ and Other Stories (45 mins) and curator led panel discussion: Richard Saltoun (Gallerist) and Giulia Casalini (Gallery Assistant).

Friday 15th July. Dawn of The (Digital) Dead:
11am – ’Digital Legacy Writing Workshop’ led by Samantha Lippett. 7pm – Rachel McRae, ‘Level 350’, Performance and Q&A.

Saturday 16th July. Endings / Breaking The Taboo:
Reading group 11am – texts: Marion Coutts, ‘The Iceberg : A Memoir’, and Atul Gawande, ‘Being Mortal : Medicine and What Matters In The End’.
5pm: Emma Berentsen, ‘The Last Supper’, Performative Dinner.
8pm: Thomas Cameron, ’At 6 with 7’, Sound Performance and Drinks Ceremony.
SET – Curated by Sol Polo.

Sunday 24th July, 7-9pm. Entry is free but capacity is very limited so we encourage to book early to secure your place.

SET is happy to host its first SET event in London this summer: a light installation by the Barcelona based artists and designers Clara Romaní and Octavi Serra stemming from their project FOS. The installation will respond to a dialogue with a surprise London based band and will be presented as part of their performance at Chisenhale Studios’ terrace.

SET is an experimental platform for emerging artists, musicians and filmmakers founded in Barcelona by a musician, a filmmaker and a curator. Every SET event is an installation / performance that results from a dialogue between a visual artist and a musician or a band.

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Image: Sol Polo, documentation of a recent SET event.

All events will be held in the Education Studio at Chisenhale Studios.

For Booking see below:

Living in chronic time fb event:

Between nose and mouth event:

SET Eventbrite: