We are inviting proposals for two Studio4 Residencies at Chisenhale Studios. The first residency is very soon, running from July through September 2016.  The second will run from 1st November to mid-January 2017, though there may be some flexibility on the end date.

The residencies provide free use of the Studio4 Project Space to artists seeking a short-term studio to develop an idea or execute a project. The aim of each residency is to provide opportunity for a visual artist to experiment with new work or ideas in a fresh, uncluttered space that facilitates sharing and participation while making artistic processes visible to new audiences.

In exchange for use of the studio, the artist undertaking each residency is expected to engage a wider artistic network as well as people who live and work in our local area, involving them in the artistic process through a few small public events, workshops, studio conversations or events. Ideally, smaller open-door sessions could also happen during the residency, as an opportunity to engage with other Chisenhale members.

To apply, please write to tell us about the project or idea you’d like to work on, why you need this free short-term studio to realise it and how you will engage people outside of Chisenhale Art Place during the residency. It would be helpful to include what benefit you think will be gained by those audiences and the impact it will have on your practice. Please state your preference for Summer or Winter (brrr, keep in mind there is no central heating!). The Winter residency will require flexibility, as we’re starting a new programme which will likely start in January and the exact date is not yet known – so tell us what’s ideal for you and we’ll try to accommodate.

Please note that due to the nature of the project space, and its first floor location in the building (there is no lift), studio events should be suitable for small audiences of up to 30 people. It is not a gallery, so not suitable for open exhibition.  We do however, have a more accessible ground floor education room which could also be made available for public activities.

Do see other postings on our website for previous residencies and events taking place in our project space. https://chisenhale.co.uk/studios/public-programme/project-space/

Applications are due by 12 noon 2nd June 2016. Interviews for short-listed applicants will be held as soon as possible after that date, likely the 13th or 14th June.

Submission will only be accepted in the following format:

  1. Proposal of project idea, including detail of information requested above.  One or two A4 pages, minimum font size 11.
  2. Current CV.  No more than two A4 pages giving current and relevant experience.
  3. Supporting images.  Text and images from previous projects or illustrating your proposal. No more than three A4 pages, with images saved at a low resolution.

Please combine all the above into one pdf file, clearly marked your name.  We will not accept submissions that exceed 7 pages and 5MB file size.

Submissions and queries to andrea@chisenhale.co.uk