The publication produced by the 2020 cohort of Into the Wild is now available to view online or download and print at home via the recently refreshed Into the Wild website.
As the 2020 Into the Wild programme was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic a final exhibition wasn’t possible. Instead, the cohort developed a ‘physical chain-letter of sorts’, as a creative project and way of staying in touch.
Out of this process emerged the ‘Wild Letters’ publication, which traces the attempt to make work ‘collaboratively in solitude; of finding each other in the disorganised, unplanned and… wild.’ Wild Letters was collectively edited by the cohort with Esther McManus, the 2020 Artist Interpreter for the Into the Wild programme. Esther brought together the materials and designed and produced the final publication. Alongside the digital versions, the publication was risograph printed as a very limited edition and distributed to the cohort and to all those who have contributed to and supported the programme over the past year.