Walls Have Tongues Too – Studio4
Walls Have Tongues Too Another chance to experience this improv performance / session combined with sculptures and video. Performed by: Hamish MacPherson, Tay Catford and Emma Bäcklund 5 - 7 pm, 23rd June Chisenhale Studio 4 "Where does a word [...]
Studio4 Summer Residencies 2018
The following artists have been selected for our Summer residencies. They will use Studio4 to develop new work, research and public events relating to themes such as dark matter, confusion, cow footprints, and repetition. Susan Eyre 5th March - 15th [...]
Call for Applications: Studio4 Residencies 2018
We are inviting proposals for Studio4 Residencies at Chisenhale Studios. Residencies will take place between March and September 2018, ranging between one and three months depending on your project needs. The residencies provide free use of the Studio4 Project Space to [...]
Standpoint Futures in Studio4 – Beth Emily Richards
Our Standpoint Futures resident Beth Emily Richards has moved into Studio4 for six weeks of mentoring and making. Beth is an artist and researcher based in Plymouth. Her work investigates contemporary mythmaking, often exploring popular culture and its associated idiosyncratic [...]
Open Weekend: Create your own Europeanpa55port
CREATE YOUR EUROPEANPA55PORT Artist: David Blackmore Studio: 3 Time: 1-5 pm Saturday and Sunday (21 and 22 October) David Blackmore will be making a participatory artwork that aims to challenge notions of national identity - using transnational European identity as [...]
Studio4 Summer Residency – Events hosted by Girolamo Marri in August
Sympathy for chairs August 21 6 - 7.30 pm An hour long “workshop” lead by Heather McCalden, a visual artist with dance training, whose practice deals with movement and spatial relationships. Starting from the idea that during a [...]
Studio4 Summer Residency – Jennifer Martin
JLM_Blackpool_02_06 003 Throughout July, Jennifer Martin will be presenting Full of Loops, an interactive installation which appropriates the aesthetic and functional structure of ‘Old Time’ portrait studios with attention to the inherent problems of such places in which [...]
Standpoint Futures Callout
Applications are now invited from artists based in England for two residencies at Chisenhale Studios.
Nicola Dale: An Era of Abbreviation Thursday 22nd June 7-9pm
At the completion of her six-week residency, Nicola Dale presents new work arising from her research into art historian Aby Warburg’s photographic collection at The Warburg Institute. Nicola has selected and abbreviated 89 images and translated them into an eight-metre [...]