
Friday Lunchtime Art Club at Lawdale Junior School

7 June, 2011|Categories: Schools|

Every Friday lunchtime at Lawdale Junior School a hive of creativity buzzes. Children from all year groups join the Chisenhale Studio artist Charlotte Mew and photographer Maria Andrews for some some free form exploration. Using found objects and their environment, [...]

The Revenge

1 December, 2010|Categories: Schools|

Scary film, "The Revenge" is ready ! Conceived, acted, animated, filmed and edited  by the children of Lawdale Junior School with a little help from artist and film maker Lisa Nash,  the film receives it's grand premier at the school on Friday [...]

The Revenge

19 October, 2010|Categories: Featured, Schools|

Year 5 children from Lawdale Junior School are making a short film with the artist and film maker Lisa Nash. When they first wrote the script, they named it The Vampire Bullies. However, when it came to the actual filming, [...]

The Vampire Bullies at Lawdale Junior School

12 July, 2010|Categories: Schools|

In the autumn term, Lisa Nash, visual artist and film maker will create a  five minute film "The Vampire Bullies" with teacher Justine Kavanagh and Year 5 children. Lisa spent a day in Lawdale Junior School  developing a storyboard script with the [...]

Ecology Week at Chisenhale School

27 June, 2010|Categories: Schools|

On 8th March, a group of 15 Year 6 pupils worked with the visual poet Charlotte Mew and the environmental artist Maggie Rose as part of the Ecology week at Chisenhale School. The children explored what they found in the [...]

The Secret Garden at Lawdale Junior School

25 June, 2010|Categories: Featured, Schools|

Charlotte Mew, a visual poet and Chisenhale studio artist, worked with three classes of Year 3 children and their parents to create a stitched narrative based on the book “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The children looked at [...]

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